Reach 50,000+ beef producers in 7 states.

Advertise in the Bull Sale Guide

If you do business with beef cattle producers in the upper Midwest, you need to advertise in the Bull Sale Guide! Reaching 53,878 beef producers, the Bull Sale Guide places your business where cow-calf producers will be reading information important to their personal ag operations.

Let us know the advertising options you're interested in.

1. Full Page 7.25" x 9.75" .....................................$1,995

2. Half Page Horizontal 7.25" x 4.75" .................$1,495

3. Half Page Vertical 3.56" x 9.75" ......................$1,495

4. Back Cover 8.25" x 10.75" ................................$4,495

5. Inside Front Cover ...........................................$3,995

6. Inside Back .......................................................$2,995

7. :30 Agweek TV ..................................................$2,250

Includes 6 weeks of AgweekTV advertising with 30-second TV spot/video production, the client provides sale details, 10-12 still horizontal photo.